Be Wise in What is Good - Care Bears
"... be wise in what is good and simple concerning evil."
Romans 16:19
It started when I showed someone born in 1986 a Care Bears file that i recently bought. I asked him, "Do you know what this is?" A blank look. I was like "WHAT?? You don't know what's Care Bears??" I mean, well, they were phenomenal in the 1980s! Anyway, recently I was at Popular bookshop and saw this Care Bears corner. I was thrilled and went on a mini shopping spree - at that corner.
Care Bears bring a lot of fond
childhood memories. They are a bunch of bears that possess special powers unique to each of them. These powers enable them to
triumph over evil. I was thinking, as a child watching Care Bears when I was young, I really believed that they could triumph over evil with the special powers they possessed.
Parallel this to our own faith. Do we really have the same child like faith that God's victory in us enables us to triumph over evil? Do we give more credit to the power of God that lies in us rather than the threats that face us? The Bible says "be wise in what is good and simple concerning evil." (Romans 16:19) Lord, help me to be wise in the good.
Romans 16:19

It started when I showed someone born in 1986 a Care Bears file that i recently bought. I asked him, "Do you know what this is?" A blank look. I was like "WHAT?? You don't know what's Care Bears??" I mean, well, they were phenomenal in the 1980s! Anyway, recently I was at Popular bookshop and saw this Care Bears corner. I was thrilled and went on a mini shopping spree - at that corner.
Care Bears bring a lot of fond

Parallel this to our own faith. Do we really have the same child like faith that God's victory in us enables us to triumph over evil? Do we give more credit to the power of God that lies in us rather than the threats that face us? The Bible says "be wise in what is good and simple concerning evil." (Romans 16:19) Lord, help me to be wise in the good.
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