THE quiet corner

Recently Han has been fussing on her highchair, arching her back and blowing "raspberries" halfway through feeding. She just wants to sit on one of our laps for the feed! This is of course not acceptable to daddy and mummy so we decided.. yes.. it's time we start the QUIET CORNER (QC).
First time was yesterday when Evan was at home and he was the one who put Han in the QC. She bawled her lungs out. I could not take it so decided to take a trip to the washroom. Obviously, Han's cries penetrated through the door. I nearly wanted to cry myself as I hear her sobs. How come she is crying so sadly (no repentance??) and I thought the baby is supposed to stop crying after some time in th QC? (cause and effect right?) No.... she just kept crying. We picked her up after some time and tried to talk sense into her. Admist her sniffles, she finally sat at the highchair and finshed her meal. yay.
Today. Evan went to work. Alone with her for 2 solids meals. She fussed again at the highchair. My solemn warnings went past her ears. So I decided to place her into the QC. Same effect as yesterday. The same bawls, my same trip to the washroom. Picked her up after some time and "preached" to her. "Hannah, mummy discipline you because mummy loves you ok?" Finally, she listened. But had to continue the feed with the aid of her table toy. Tsk tsk.. That was supposed to be a no-no.
I have to take 1 step at a time and persevere.
It takes discipline to discipline a child.
He who spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is careful to discipline him.
Proverbs 13:24
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