Youth Youth Youth

These 3 things stuck in my mind following Ps Khong's meeting with the Youthnet. It was very refreshing listening to him speak his heart about the youths. And a lot of realigning of my heart to God's heart for the youths. In my opinion, calling-wise, God will speak. Effectiveness-wise, my leader will evaluate. How about availability? It's the cap I must constantly lift for myself. I must be available to the extent the ministry demands and to the extent God wants me to. Not how I think I can be.
A dying to self will always be in this journey. But like what Ps Yo mentioned last night at G12 meeting. To fix our eyes on God's calling for us. I really pray that God will grant me strength and willingness for Him to use me again for His glory in this new ministry direction.
I really want to be available to the extent He wants me to be, for as long as the season He deems.
Lord, inite the fire in me for the next generation. Tutor me to be the leader you want me to be for them. Constantly remind me to pray more than what I can ever do, for prayer is of utmost importance.
I look forward!!