In this week's sermon, Pastor Khong shared about commitment using skiing as an example. The key to skiing well is to always maintain a 90 degrees angle between your body and the skis. And this is no problem when you are skiing on flat ground because it is natural to stand straight. However the problem comes when you are skiing DOWNHILL. And this will require a skier to COMMIT himself to still maintain that 90 degress. To do that, he needs to LEAN FORWARD. And that is so scary! It's like plunging head on! But this is the secret to good skiing and preventing a nasty fall.
Similarly in God's kingdom, when things get rougher, when things start going downhill, the paradox is to still COMMIT and PROJECT FORWARD. It feels scary, but this is the way, God's way. May God teach us to commit ourselves daily to Him, in good times, and especially in challenging times.
Lord, tutor us to be committed disciples of You. And we trust we can be because of Your unfailing love for us :)
Hmm.. and may I get a chance to ski in my life!!! :)
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